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一个小人,廖亦武 An Untold Story of Liao Yiwu


Today, I want to write about Liao Yiwu—— a Chinese dissident who tried to leak my personal info to Beijing in order to stop me criticizing his pro-Trump tweet.


Since i started my political art, I have been carefully hiding my identity. I dont tell my name,age,face or working place in order to protect myself and my family from the threat of Beijing. However, I learnt that my identity was compromised after my HK show got cancelled due to the threat from Shanghai Police. It was the darkest day of my life and only the beginning of endless harassment and threat to me since then. I have to keep silence for 7 months in order to protect my documentary film, China‘s Artful dissident. And i finally decide to come out and confront Beijing face to face on the 30th anniversary of Tiananmen massacre with the release of the Doco.


I have reflected a lot during the silence months. The biggest problem and risk is to find out what caused my identity leaking.I guess i can never be sure what really happened for so many years of hiding. However, there is one biggest leak i can never forget. And absurdly, it is from the famous dissident writer Liao Yiwu.


I do not know Liao personally and of course has no beef with him either. In fact,I was quite a fan of his books before.In the end of 2017,I joined Aiweiwei’s berlin studio as a graphic designer and artsit assistant for exhibition installing. I only shared this great news with a very limited group of close friends. But i never announced it to public for i was worried that there are still a lot of eyes in Berlin and leaking that info might just give the perfect clue to my identity.

2017年,12月31日,廖亦武发了一条批评纽约时报的推文,大致意思是纽约时报不应该连篇累牍地批评川普。我随即发推回复廖,纽时批评本国总统再正常不过,这不是中国。然而,廖在回复中这样写道:巴丢草,知道你在艾未未工作室,所以你才故意攻击我。(此前,廖亦武与艾未未在网上有过激烈的争执。)对廖来说,这只是他随口回击的话语,但对于我确是致命的信息泄露。因此我立刻私信廖,要求他把那条透露我工作地点的推文删除,并告诉他这可能导致我身份泄露并给我的安全造成伤害。他随后将这儿条推文删除, 并发来私信:“好的,删除。我尊重你。但是,如果有一天。。。你懂我的意思,所以。。。。” 我回复:“我希望,也相信你不会以此为把柄,限制我的言论 廖回复:"老廖还算一条汉子,说一不二。从此我不会再提到你"

2017,December 31th,Liao sends a tweet for critcizing New York Times due to a article about some Trump scandal. I reply him that NYT did nothing wrong about watch its president,it is not China.Then the nightmare begins. liao tweets,“Badiucao,I know you are working for Aiweiwei in his studio. That's why you are slandering me.”(Liao had a big bad beef with Ai earlier this year.) For Liao,it might just be a careless counterattack. However,for me it could be vital. So i immediately direct message him and ask him to delete the tweet. I told him my concern and trust him it is just out of carelessness. I dont really know how he knows it,but it is not important at the moment.Fortunately he deleted it eventually. But the delete coming with a term,Liao messages “ok i am deleting it and I respect you. But one day... if... you know what i mean,so...”I reply,"I hope and believe that you are not going to exploit my privacy to threat my free speech."Liao,“I am a man of my word,i will never mention you.”


But,just after 7 days,Liao posted my info again on twitter for similar reason.I can forgive him for the first time if its just due to oversight.But for second time, it is low and disgraceful.


I have to message him again and ask him why he did it again. He jumps to F word as beginning this time. He wants me to delete my criticizing tweet first before doing anything.And if i refuse,he will leak more of my identity info publicly. I am so frustrated and simply can not risk the safety of me and my family for wrestling with a shameless coward like him. I deleted my twitter. I can not believe that i am bullied by a Chinese dissident who chooses to use Beijing to threat me with no regret.I told him that is so wrong and he should know better as a dissident who suffered from oppression from China.

廖随即答复:“事不过三,如果你下次再这样。。。如果你拉黑我,我会公开说,艾未未工作室的某某某拉黑了我” “只要你拉黑我,就证明了你有不可告人的理由,我也看不见你做了什么

Liao replies,“if you do it again,or block on twitter,i will just openly announce that XXX is working for Aiweiwei in his studio.” “If you block me, it just proves that you have secrets from me and i can will not be able to see what you do behind me.”


A year and half gone now,I have never mentioned Liao's disgrace in public. I have to mute myself for protecting me and my family before. But now it is all different. I have revealed my self in front of Beijing and the world and i also want to reveal the disgusting untold side of Liao Yiwu to the world. So when he is continuing playing dissident hero, people can learn who he really is. I hope he can read this, and see how wrong he was. I am waiting for his apology.


Interestingly,after i reveal my identity,Liao blocked me on twitter. I think he knows this is coming for him.

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